Job Description
Minimum Qualifications
eData Services is an American owned and operated Health Information Management Company that has been in business for 19 years.
We employ nearly 600 medical professionals including dozens of Medical Doctors and hundreds of Registered Nurses. We also employ Dentists, Pharmacists, Psychologists, and Registered Physical Therapists.
We deliver customized services to over 500 clients throughout the United States24 hours a day, 7days a week. Our services include:
oInsurance Eligibility, Benefit, and Coverage Verification
oClaim Denial Appeals and other EOB issues
oSecurement of Treatment Authorizations
oPatient Scheduling
oPatient Appointment Reminder Calling
oBilling and Collections
oPreparation and Transmission of Referral Letters
oComputerized Physician Order Entry
oIncoming Telephone Call Handling
oFull Telephone Receptionist Services
oLunch Hour Telephone Coverage
oClaims Submission
oAfter Hours Telephone Coverage
oPatient Inquiry Handling
We are HIPAA compliant and adhere to all Federal and State laws governing the security of Protected Health Information. All work is exchanged with our clients through encrypted internet connections. We utilize secured Microsoft Azure Cloud and on premise servers to ensure redundancy, speed, and security.
eData’s head office is located in Beverly Hills, California.