Skill Craft Business Consultancy


Company Overview

Skill Craft Business Consultancy was formed because of our passion to understand issues involving capacity and resource planning to both potential employers as well as job seekers. We believe in partnering with our clients and in building a long-term relationship by developing the right understanding of their needs. Due to our diverse experience in recruiting professionals across different industries, we are confidently able to meet with our clients’ demands and provide them with quality professionals.

At Skill Craft, we believe that strong knowledge, expertise and wide network are keys to getting recruitment right. Our team is composed of highly experienced consultants with vast network of professionals and leaders in the industry. We provide quality services through close collaboration with our clients. We believe that determining gaps will enable good service to clients.

Why Join Us?

We will not rest on our accomplishments, but will rather build on them in our personal and professional
journey to be the best we can be and set new standards in our industry. We will expect more of ourselves than our clients do. We will endeavor to exceed expectations in every project.

Choosing the best people for our work, employing the best available practices, and always challenging
ourselves to improve through innovation, strategic planning, collaboration and teamwork.

Best Candidate Experience
To successfully attract, recruit, and retain talents and give them the best candidate experience throughout
the hiring process.

Client Satisfaction
Our customer is the key to our success. We continue to provide innovative solutions that add value to our
customers and to build lasting relationships with them based on trust and shared purpose.

Community Responsibility
We view our business as being an integral part of society. We are committed to be a responsible corporate
citizen, both locally and globally, contributing to community improvements, and to create a caring organization.

Company Preview

Average application processing time
Less than 1 week


Dress Code

Company Size
5 employees


Working Hours
08:00 AM-05:00 PM
08:00 AM-05:00 PM
08:00 AM-05:00 PM
08:00 AM-05:00 PM
08:00 AM-05:00 PM

Top Specialization